Director of Educator LicensureLocation:
Bowman 111Phone:
(540) 535-3575Email: mbowser@smxjjl.com
Educational History:
B.S., M.S., State University of New York, College at Oneonta; Ed.D., University of Virginia
Fields of Expertise:
teaching, writing, secondary education, teachers as mentors, teachers as leaders
Professional Highlights:
I learned so much about international education by traveling to China, Taiwan, England, Jordan, and Israel.
Personal Quote:Effective teachers teach students, not subjects.
Personal Highlights:
Permanent Teacher Licensure in NY for English 7-12, speech and journalism; Collegiate Professional Licensure in VA for English 6-12; taught high school English for 8 years; taught collegiate level teacher preparation since 1983; taught writing workshops for students and teachers since 1980.